Monday, January 19, 2009

"Refresh Gender" by Shanning and Salma

January 19 2009

The first segment of the ' Refresh The World Symposium' that just took place is called Refresh Gender. If I were to summerize the heated, yet still very respectful debate in one word, it would be refreshing!
The topics that the nine intelligent and opinionated women discussed and debated on were a wide variety of things. They spoke about women's roles in the world, equality between genders, and breaking the glass ceilling. What struck me the most was when the women on the panel compared the comments Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin received from the media to the ones male polticians received. One of the women said that when either of the female poltician were mentioned in the media; their hair, what designer clothes they were wearing and even their calves were also mentioned. Yet the comments the male politicians received from the media were along the lines of intelligent, experienced and articulate. That made me think, 'seriously?'
The whole coversation and debate was very enlightening and often times humorous, I trully enjoyed the experience.

-Salma S.

On my part, I found that they completely unraveled certain topics that we've been discussing with each other on the political election. Issues like the ones talked about all over the media, Sarah Palin and her pregnant teenage daughter and her political approach versus that of Barack Obama. As well as going into the whole democratic rivalry between a white woman campaigning against black male. It was great to soak in all the opinions of great outspoken women

- Shanning E.

"Doing Our Spiritual Jobs Towards Our Destiny"
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