Sunday, September 28, 2014

Some Shit!

good healthy organically grown vegetables​/fruit
Shawshank Redemption

Short list of things that I love that grow from some shit! 
Andy Dufresne crawled through 3 miles of shit to get to his freedom. 
The perfect storm to wake the fuck up to the lusciousness that awaits me if I'm ready to walk through my shit,
some shit! 

Every morning, in the space of silence, I look at my shit to make sure I'm healthy. 
I know if I don't have that moment, my day will be full of shit. 
So I have to let the shit out. 
When I let go of some shit, I feel so much better.
When I'm not ready to let go of my shit, that shit stays with me.
Holy crap! 
I love this shit!
I love you all!

Sent with Love from my Crackberry10 device!