Sunday, February 26, 2017

Why? Why? Why?

Last Monday morning, while lying in bed, I heard this noise that sounded like scratching - outside, just on the corner of the house. The next day,  I heard it again while I was getting dressed for work. I banged on the wall and that didn't seem to stop it. When I went outside, I found the culprit - a squirrel is scratching away at something way up where the phone line strings across from the pole to the house. And s/he is perched up there looking at my le like, "What?" It took 5 snowballs pelt at his/her ass. Hit square in the noggin with the 5th. Repeat that process every day since. This morning, guerrilla warfare start with me and this fucker. Went to the kitchen, got a handful of ice cubes, spare bedroom window. Pelt some ice cubes at his/her rass while hanging out the window. WTF is going on? The animal kingdom gwan mad. This squirrel doh know it got Guyanese people living here? We ain't frighten fi curry rassoul! It's freak'n 10:30 in the morning. Why am I at war with a fuck'n squirrel?

"I am my ancestors' wildest dreams" and I'm Black every month! 

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