Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Conversation in Question!

‎What madness are we living these days? Is it really different madness or is it the same old shit just made to look and smell prettier? Are the dynamics any different? Are the issues more or less challenging? Do we know more or less? Are the impacts more far reaching? Are we doing anything different in response? Are we any smarter? Have we demonstrated we learned any new lessons? Are we simply repeating the past? Are we living life's remix? Why have we invested in people suffering? Why are we seemingly cool with certain people suffering? Why are we committed to ensure suffering for others? How invisible do we have to make people in order to remain unconscious to their suffering? What are the long term consequences of that kind of marginalization? What are the short term consequences of being marginalized? Why might we think there aren't consequences to oppression? Why do we not see oppression? If sharing is caring, why are we unwilling to share power, space and privilege? What can't we see or notice our privilege? How selfish are we when we only notice it when it impacts our self-interests? Why is inequality such an important ingredient to happiness for so many? How do we transform the untransformable? How do we transform systems that seem unable and unwilling to be transformed? Continuing to maintain broken systems, what does that do for us? Who are we? Who do we want to be for real or in jest? Why are we happy with the status quo? Why do we fight progress like it's the dis-ease? Why are we seduced by the concepts of individualism? Why are we satisfied by 'good enough'  and minimalism? How many more generations are we willing to sacrifice?  Why does revolution happen on the backs of young people? Why, when we get to adulthood, do we forget agitation is necessary?  Why is agitation necessary? Why is it easier to be hopeless and helpless than helpful and giving?  Why are some things understood and others struggle to understand? Why do we make simple shit hard? Why are some voices louder then others? Am I part of the problem? Am I part of the solution? Am I as clueless as everyone? Am I prepared to fight for it? Am I prepared to stand for someone else even when that  means I don't ‎get exactly what I want? Can love really conquer all? Can we live together? Do I have to care to care? 

Why am I asking any of this shit? 

Sent with Love  from my Crackberry10 device!