Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Life, 140 characters at a time

My desire for writing has become incredibly limited. It seems that my life is a series of 140 characters, tweeted sound bits, capturing the bits and pieces of my life with little in- depth critical analysis.

Maybe that's what life is calling for. I've spent a lot of time analyzing my life so maybe a tweet IS the sum total of what needs to be known and understood about ME and MY adventures.

Writing is what I did to capture the moments in case I forgot them.

Memory is an evil thing sometimes. It tricks me into believing the illusions of the world. Those illusions provide me with great comfort though and the justification for protecting my inside marshmallow core.

I remember how my memory failed me in the Park n Fly coming back from Barbados two weeks ago. I wanted to cry and I was helpless, without opportunity to fix my problem if I couldn't remember. How is the self titled "Opportunities Broker" without opportunity for the fixing of a problem? Good question! That day I had no answer. On the precipice of panic, I just could not remember.

How much else have I forgotten? I know I've forgotten way more than I've ever known but as I enter into the challenges of being over 40, I know what I remember about my life. I am truly blessed for what I've forgotten, for what I remember, for what I've experienced, for what I've seen, for what I've done, for what I've been, for what I've yet to be, for who I was, for who I am, for all I've known, for all who have known me, for all who I have yet to meet.

I hold all of it as just ME!
Action > Apathy, I am Greater Than Aids
Sent with love from a Crackberry Device