Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm in a Rut!

I'm in a Rut!
I'm in a rut!
I'm in a rut!

What do you do when you're in a rut?

I tried hiding first. I figured if I just stayed buried deeply in the woman cave, I would get out of my rut. Didn't work.

I tried drowning my rut. All that got me was my belly hanging a little lower over my belt. Oh, lawd! That can't work.

I tried other things and all that did was make me sleepy, eat chips and giggle myself back to sleep. There goes another belt loop. Get your lazy butt out that rut!

I tried to bully myself out of the rut. "Girl, if you don't get yourself out this rut, I'll kick your ass!" Just like my students, I didn't listen to me.

I tried to imagine my way out of the rut. That didn't work cause I got distracted by my rut.

I tried to laugh my way out my rut but then I took a nap because laughing was exhausting.

So, today I've decided to just forget about my rut. Not even think about it and slowly but surely, I'm getting out.

A little battle royal with my Wii gaming system last night, got my big butt moving, which gave me the energy today to declare, "I'm not in a rut no more!"

I've found the bridge that will allow me to cross to the other side of a new possibility. The day is off to a roaring start as a result and I'm learning that I am stronger than my rut, bigger, faster. My rut can not defeat me. So, fuck you rut. Your days here are number - at least for today!

Action > Apathy, I am Greater Than Aids
Sent with love from a Crackberry Device