Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reflections -- Shanning

So unfortunately, on the way to the states my body completely crashed down so i wasn't able to express my feelings towards the trip which i'm so estatic for. This is day 2, also known as Martin Luther King Day! We woke up early today knowing that we'd be staying over at nana's house for the next day,but not much has been revealed to us besides that. So forget what i thought i expected from this trip, i soaked up pure breathing taking information about a world i didn't know existed.

Getting a tour of the Howard University campus from Ms. Codett brought alot of my interest,it was a quick awareness that greatness can be acheived in the black commmunity. At some point during the tour, i was starting to understand my reason for being in the presence of this enviroment. The path that i'm currently on wasn't my full potential and, mentally and physically changing certain things would get me to my objective.

That was just the beginning though, the following day we got the chance to attend a symposium, which in one word was-refreshing! Hearing those women (not only the black women) speak and articulate themselves on certain topics such as gender issues surronding us in the present which havent been fully dealt with us socially. It completely clicked with the inaugural event surrounding us for those days.

Enough said, i fully comphrehend the purpose of my being there for those days with those group of people, i can truely say it had an immense impact on my life, inspiration to say the least.And honestly i want to completley show my gratitude for giving me the chance to experience a one in a life-time trip. I've soaked up so much on this trip that it completely had me thinking of my way back on the bus. Oh and the successful people thay also were on the buswith us gave its final touch. I thank you miss!