He appears in the doorstep, as thouggh he is at the Door of Return at Cape Coast Slave Dungeon and just like that, the space is transformed! Oh my goodness! He's coming down the stairs. Cool as ice. Not phased. Taking his seat in history representing all of us. ALL OF US!
"Doing Our Spiritual Jobs Towards Our Destiny"
Sent with love from a Crackberry Device
I am the me I wished I could be when I figured out the me was in ME! #BeMoreCommUNITY
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We sit in stifling anticipation. My heart is racing so fast I can hardly type. It feels like glorious torture. The moment creeping closer. "Sometimes you wake up expecting something wonderful to happen. Most of the time it doesn't. But, when it does, it happens for real". Today it's happening for real.