Everything I know and understand Race's Ism to be is so because it is my DAILY DEALING! Every single day, if I choose, I can find results, consequences, repercussions, reasons, justifications, examples, case studies, experiments of Race's Ism. I can examine every part of my existence in relationship to Race's Ism. I mean, I got some real questions I can never answer: how come people who aren't black seem to not see enough to notice it as easily as I do? How come only certain people are agitated enough to no longer sit ideally by while it occurs to another generation?
Loaded language, required code switching to survive in a world that does not fit, never fully being with any of it because so much of who I am is wrapped up in my Race's Ism and it's like getting murdered by ducks everyday that I can't authentically express my upsets.
How can they claim to not notice? How can they not see the missing? How can they not see me? How? How? How is it possible?
To always be invisible is the worst kind of murder to the spirit. It's like living in a kind of purgatory - not living or dead, not supported only feared, not loved only hated, not a contribution only a consumer, not important always an after thought, not given and always fighting, examined but never studied, assumed never known, guessing never sure, careful never confident, pretending never real, passed over never chosen, kicked and expected to stay down!
In the face of it all, I can stand in this upset causing myself a high level of distraction from what really BEES going on! I can whip myself into a paralyzing frenzy but that would BE crazy. What I know is WE are still here, still working toward a better possibility for OURSELVES and for everyone just like the generations before us. We are the greatest "multiculturalists", "integrationists" and surely the most optimistic race of people in the whole world and we get it done everyday in the face of RACE's Ism!
"Justice is what LOVE looks like in Public" - Cornel West
Sent with Love from my Crackberry!