One of the nuts at Woodroffe was trying to tell me some nonsense the other day about Kobe scoring 80 points against the Raptors. I'm not trying to hate on Kobe's efforts but I just don't think the NBA is real basketball anymore. I'm still waiting for 60 Minutes or the Smoking gun to break the story about the NBA decision to not play defense because someone decided that the fans wanted to see more offence. That will be the scandal of the century and when it happens you won't be able to say that you didn't hear it before. I feel like Huey from Boondocks. I'm alone in this conspiracy but don't worry, I will be vindicated. Into to the scene to save the day is a 5'9" GIRL named Epiphanny Prince (yes it is spelled with two N's). She scored 113 points in a high school game. The reason I think this is a greater achievement is because, in the NBA you are actually suppose to score large numbers of points. Look at the way they design the game to make sure you can score. On a team like the Lakers, we already know a player like Kobe is going to have a break out game where he will score that many. In high school though and especially in the girls' game where they lack the 'power' component, the impact of an 113 pt game is much more significant. This little sister kicked some ass that day. Her achievement is much more realistic an achievement because she did it at the level that most of our guys play at and none of you have ever scored close to that. The other reason she needs to be given props is because if scoring 113 pts at any level was so easy, how come no one else has done it? That's the down home dirty truth about the world of basketball. She's headed to Rutgers next year. Where are some of you going?
My boy Dauwud added.....

I would like to add a small note to further support the young lady who scored 113 points in a high school game. Just as I did when Dajuan Wagner and a kid from Texas both scored over a hundred points in a high school game several years ago. There are 8 minutes per quarter in a high school basketball game. Therefore in order to score a hundred points in a high school game you would need to score at least 25 points in eight minutes. Most players do not score 25 points in an entire high school basketball game. Now think about how mathematically incredible it is to score a hundred points in a high school game. Considering you give up possession of the basketball after made shot or a turnover. Therefore you could never actually have eight minutes of time to score the 25 points in a quarter. Think about that for minute. Then you truly understand how incredible it is to score 113 points in a high school game. My hat's off to anyone who can achieve that feat, girl or boy. It does not matter because the competition is relevant to the participants. If Kobe were playing against middle school kids that would make it different. But the fact that the game is much longer than a high school game makes Kobe's feat not as impressive.
Now that makes sense!