All four parts of Spike Lee's "When the LeveesBroke..." aired last night on the Movie Network from11:30pm -3:45am. An odd time but it means that itshould be on several more times and I suggest youwatch it if you get a chance. This is my second time seeing it and I still believe it to be some of Spike's best work ever.
It brought you back to all of the emotions of a year ago while at the same time giving you some incite into the intentions/feeling/actions of some of the players in this natural/human disaster.
Still unresolved are the actions of the Core ofEngineers, FEMA, and Bush "Satan" Jr and his minions.
There is much work that needs to be done in New Orleans. The call to us is too powerful for us toignore. As we dwell in the IBS declaration for thisyear, "I am my vision fulfilled", and we prepare for our journey to New Orleans for the 2007 IBS event, I can't help but feel a strong connection to the contribution we can be for that community and how fulfilling that experience will be for those of us who are a stand for New Orleans (and its residence) to return to its former magnificance. Bigger, better,brighter because we as a community refuse to allow this community to stand alone.
Stay tune for more opportunities to engage in that dialogue and please watch Spike's documentary.