Could a lover of Graduation season really have a problem with Back to School?
There are several truths to tell first. When the school year ends, I look forward to that first day. You know the first one after all the year end hustle. The first one I didn't have a time I needed to get out of bed. I didn't have someone who was expecting me to be somewhere and I could ease into my day like I dream retired people do - hot coffee in hand, step onto the deck and feel light breeze blowing, warmth of the day hitting your face. Like you're a boss of the universe.
OK well, snap outta that shit because it's good for about a week, two tops. Bed sores start kicking in after 14 days. And the Summer Honey Do list doesn't get shorter.
My truth is this, my life needs structure even as a personality that hates structure. The reason I need two months off is because you gave me two months off. For 10 months you got me in a groove . Yeah Yeah, I know so please don't forget, it's a job like most. There are days when I can straight say out loud, "WTF do I do here?" There are days I feel how connected I am with my greatness in that classroom. And there are days that blend into each other, just steps along the journey of a career. And that's it right there. The school year has a rhyme and rythme to it. It has its own algorithm, it's own swag. When we said "see you next year", in June we didn't even mean next year.
I will begin year 20 with the same thought for how many days it takes to establish good habits versus how many days it takes to mash up that good habit.
I know the answer, one day. I fell in love with that one day. I got high from the felling of that one day. I chase it all dayam school year, that one blissful day.
It will take me to about Thanksgiving weekend to get right. Start flowing again. To catch the vibe and move with it with no resistance. By then, there's no turning back and only the school year to guide my movements.
That first day back is also the crack. Through all the madness of filling a building with almost 900 people in less than 30minutes, you'll notice it. EXCITEMENT.
We don't want to break up with summer even though we know the school year is better for us. You have to treat Summer like a Rent-a-Dred, fun while it lasted.
Days running out like crushed ice and it's time for me and summer to break up. I'm not mad. We part on good terms ready to greet whatever challenges come my way. I can't wait for the excitement, new faces, older faces, and for the opportunity to be the best student of my life. So let's dance school year. Let the chase begin!
"A Smile-a-day keeps the zombies away."
Sent with Love from my AfuaBerry
"A Smile-a-day keeps the zombies away."
Sent with Love from my AfuaBerry