Friday, June 18, 2010

Righteousness Needs No Reward

These last few weeks have challenged me beyond sense. I felt like I was thrown right back to a time that I would normally describe as the worst years of my life. I'm still struggling to understand certain parts of what is going on with me while being with the fact that there is nothing for me to do except BE!

There must be storm before the calm! In many ways I have lost patience with the process of transformation. The seeds that get planted in that process need the time to germinate and grow. I think the velocity I was moving with previously is now being tested like a final exam before I can move to the next course. Different then that type of test, I don't get an assessment or evaluation that has an already developed rubric. There is no Right or Wrong, there is just the BE of it. How do I know what's right? How do I know what's wrong?

The conversations of the head are powerful distractions that keep me preoccupied with and by the unnecessary. Distract me from noticing and keep me inside of the triggers that are also essential for moving forward.

I wrote in a card for someone else what really is my own truth: Have faith in your trust and trust your faith!

I can no longer afford to think of it in terms of lost and found but more in terms of discovery. Some discoveries are things we already knew but forgot we knew while others represent the revelation that is the fuel to the engine empowering our visions!

I am present to myself as the source of my vision and even when I can't see, I have to rely on my other senses to support the one that is suffering from a diminished capacity because of the stories in my mind.

All I can really say after that is the journey continues. My righteousness will receive no reward except Happiness! That is something I can be happy with.
Action > Apathy, I am Greater Than Aids
Sent with love from a Crackberry Device