Yesterday, after anticipating it for most of this year every time he was required to enter the hospital, NELSON MANDELA Made his transition after 95 years of life in this form.
"I cry for myself. The struggles we faced before today in a world that included you makes me scared for a world without you. Can I be as strong as you? Can I be as fearless and clear in my goals? Can I face the crazy with even an ounce of your humility? Can I face down hate with LOVE like you? I cry for Me and I SING that you are free!"
It was 5 pm and I was in deep sleep during my afternoon nap. My spirit woke me out of sleeping unconsciousness so I could get conscious to President Obama giving his remarks. I have to say it was quite awesome to watch the 1st Black President of the United States eulogize the 1st Black President of South Africa (representing two things I said would never happen in my lifetime). He said something about him being a figure for the ages. Perfection!
After that I remember being overwhelmed by sadness. If the world filled with Racism and Hate, White Supremacy and White Privilege was like that with him, what are we going to do without him? Will he become like the long list of other 'iconic' figures - MLK Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Viola Desmond, Matthew Decosta etc - that history depicts as sanitized versions of themselves, trotted out as examples by the white elite for why the status quo should continue to be accepted. Examples used to fool us into thinking "racism is over", so why can't the rest of you get your act together? For me that flies in the face of why they are 'iconic' figures in the first place. And at the same time, I'm clear that HISTORIC AMNESIA should have a pill that can fix it.
A great example for why my fear existed in that moment was triggered by a 'slave auction' being used as an activity to engage students in something I can't figure out. Not sure how that would be fun or funny.
Even as people who were opposed to Mandela originally, express today their sorrow for his passing, I'm challenged at finding and seeing the 'forgiveness' I know people say he would have given them. Not sure even if sitting in a jail cell for 27yrs could allow me to find it. I'm clear about what kind of work I would need to do in order to transform that trigger such that I can be my vision fulfilled.
Standing in the shadow of what IS Nelson Mandela's legacy and contribution to the world, I add my voice and commit to being in action. Inequity, Injustice, Prejudice, Stop and Frisk, Racial Profiling, Inequity in Education are feed by Racism and a conscious and unconscious desire to maintain a privilege and supremacy that is ending ---> The Storm Is BEFORE the CALM. I can imagine the feelings of others throughout history who also experienced the death of an important individual who would later become 'iconic'. Will the legacy of their work continue to inspire? Do we need to idolize an individual in order for it to continue? Those of us who have been empowwred and inspired, can we put together what we need to move forward and with courage, speak truth to power?
I cry for ME!
"Difficulties break some men but make others"
Standing in that knowledge for myself, I know there is HOPE, even for me....
"I came to accept that I have no right whatsoever to judge others in terms of my own customs."
"Great anger and violence can never bold a nation. We are striving to proceed in a manner and towards a result, which will ensure that ALL our people, both black and white, emerge as victors."
Sent with Love from my Crackberry10 device!