As a Blackberry user, I know about REbooting. I've done it so many times, I decided a long time ago there had to be an easier way which lead me to the Blackberry App World to find a "Quick Pull App". Quick Pull is the technical term used to describe the resolution to the problem of my phone not working to its fullest capacity or ability. When the rebooting process is complete, you can automatically see just how much memory is newly available for my phone's functioning. It is always amazing to me what my phone is able to pull off while working incredibly below it's potential.
What is LIFE had a Quick Pull App?
Had a bad day - quick pull!
Called into your boss' office - quick pull!
Staring at the overdraft of my bank account - quick pull!
Another repair for my gas guzzling SUV - quick pull!
Upset with a colleague - quick pull!
"Ain't doing that for sure" - quick pull!
Would prefer to hide from people - quick pull!
Don't want to be responsible/accountable? - quick pull!
Looking at the large roll around my waist where muscles used to be..- QUICK PULL!!!!
I think you get the point....As awesome as that might sound on some days, it just doesn't happen that way, not without the work that it takes to be clear such that I can Notice in the first place. I'm more certain than ever that for my own life, it's a great thing it doesn't work that way.
My current relationship to the International Black Summit distinction known as "Trigger" is best paraphrased by a scene in KungFu Panda - "triggers are neither good or bad, they are just triggers". Trigger is a Quick Pull. An opportunity to REBOOT - "What is available when I NOTICE my trigger, BE with what is, and TRUST it provides me access to my Vision fulfilled". Noticing MY Trigggers, I'm giving myself permission to REBOOT/Quick Pull because to notice triggers, BE with what is, I am accessing my vision fulfilled. Trigger becomes a Quick Pull of life. I can observe it in myself and for myself so I can be my vision fulfilled. My Quick Pull becomes a great opportunity.
My coaching partner sent an email last night after being Triggered by watching Black Magic, a four-hour documentary about the history of basketball as played at Historicall Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). He said that more than ever he is clear he needs to take our players in a certain direction inside of his vision for how basketball can transform their lives. His 'trigger' solidified his overstanding for the importance of his vision for our basketball program and the players who engage in it. His trigger gave him a "Quick Pull", a moment in life to reBOOT, refocus, repurpose, reconnect, reignite, and to be Re-spons-able to his vision fulfilled. So clear, that I have been enfolded in the same overstanding because through it, I see something for myself. My life has been given a Quick Pull too - a possibility that has been present all along but now together we can move forward with velocity inside of a possibility for each of us.
I am no different. Inside of the space of Trigger, I am QUICK PULLED into the power of my own vision. My reboot makes me move with velocity and I am the thing I have only imagined myself to be. I am Empowerment Through Laughter and this is another lesson is Trigger.